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Resources & Articles

Check out our curated list of external research and articles to offer additional support and encouragement, wherever you are on the continuum.


Positively Parenting

Enhancing community well-being through education, support and counselling for families and individuals.

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Tackling Stigma

#chatsafe for Parents and Caregivers

Tackling Stigma

#chatsafe Guidelines

Tackling Stigma

Language Matters

After Suicide Loss

Toolkit for People Who Have Been Impacted by a Suicide Loss

After an Attempt

Toolkit for People Impacted by a Suicide Attempt


Grief Support Resources

For more information please contact Saskatoon Grief Support at 306-249-5666 or email suicidegriefsaskatoon@gmail.com
Workplace Mental Health

Suicide Prevention in the Workplace

Use this guide to navigate those difficult conversations. It offers information for your own mental health and for employers, managers, and co-workers, along with tips for those who work with the public.
Workplace Mental Health

Managers Guidebook To Suicide Postvention

Postvention is psychological first aid, crisis intervention, and other support offered after a suicide to affected individuals or the workplace as a whole to alleviate possible negative effects of the event.
Talking to Children

Tackling the Topic of Suicide with children

Talking to your children about their mental health when you suspect there is an issue can be a challenging task for any parent.
Talking to Children

Talking to Children About a Suicide

Talking to children about a suicide can be difficult. But doing so can greatly benefit those who are facing this type of death.
Talking to Children

Talking to Children About a Suicide (Cree)

Cree translation of the "Talking to Children About a Suicide" resource.
Tackling Stigma

Suicide Contagion

Suicide contagion can lead to a suicide cluster, where a number of connected suicides occur following an initial death.
Tackling Stigma

Safer Conversations About Suicide on Social Media

Talking about suicide on social media and why it matters. Because once your message is posted, you’ll no longer have control over who reads it or how it’s used...
Tackling Stigma

Mindset: Reporting on Mental Health

There is no question that stigma has an impact on the lives of people living with mental illness. Negative stereotypes and prejudicial attitudes help create an environment that can dissuade people from getting help...
Tackling Stigma

Creating an Effective Suicide Prevention Campaign

Suicide is a complex and sensitive topic. Stories of suicide deaths or hopeless, demoralizing messages can in some cases increase suicide rates.
After an Attempt

After an Attempt

Suicidal thoughts and actions generate conflicting feelings in family members who love the person who wishes to take his or her own life.
After an Attempt

Journey Toward Health and Hope

This booklet is a guide to help you take the first steps toward recovery after a suicide attempt. The tools and stories it contains come from the experiences of others, some named, some anonymous, who have also survived a suicide attempt.
After Suicide Loss

SOS - A Handbook for Survivors of Suicide

This is a book for people who have lost a loved one to suicide, written by someone who has suffered the same loss.
First Responders

Guidelines for Recovery-Oriented Practice

Since its inception, the Mental Health Commission of Canada has made it a priority to work with people from across the country on ways to improve mental health systems based on a recovery orientation.
First Responders

Putting Recovery Into Practice

Recovery in mental health is about people living satisfying, hopeful lives and contributing to society even if they experience ongoing symptoms of a mental health problem or illness.
First Responders

Responding to Grief, Trauma, and Distress After a Suicide: U.S. National Guidelines

The guidelines are intended to reach anyone who is in contact with, cares about, or wishes to help those impacted by a suicide loss. This includes first responders; mental health clinicians and many others.

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in Men

This brief offers an overview of emerging research on men’s mental health with a particular focus on suicide and its prevention in the Canadian context.
Mental Wellness

Creating a Healthier Life (SAMHSA)

Wellness is a broad concept. In this guide, we attempt to provide a broad, yet specific sense of what it means.

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Most of us have experienced at least one traumatic event in our life. The events can have long lasting impact on our life, on our sense of self and identity, and more...

School Memorials after a Suicide: Helpful or Harmful?

After a death by suicide impacts one or more members of their student population, what is the role of the school to support grieving students?

We’re here to help.

Whether you’re seeking more information about what we do or looking for more resources for yourself or a loved one, reach out to us today.