Specialized Supports
Accessible mental health services for our community

Specialized Supports
Specialized support includes prevention, crisis and post-crisis services such as:
- Peer support
- Support groups (including self help)
- Workplace interventions
- Coordinated planning and access to services
Self-help resources:
- A Journey Toward Health and Hope: This booklet is a guide to help you take the first steps toward recovery after your suicide attempt.
- Creating a Healthier Life: A Step By Step Guide to Wellness: This step-by-step wellness guide offers a broad approach for things we can do—at our own pace, in our own time, and within our own abilities—that can help us feel better and live longer.
Family resources:
- Taking Care of a Family Member After a Suicide Attempt: This guide will help you take care of a family member who has attempted suicide and has been treated in the emergency department.
- Survivors of Suicide Handbook: This handbook is for people who have lost a loved one to suicide, written by someone who has suffered the same loss.
Workplace interventions resources:
- Workplace Mental Health Indicators: This guide for workplaces helps employers identify and address the emotional problems of depression, anxiety and anger in their employees, as well as ways to prevent these problems.
- Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace: This is a guide to ensuring your workplace is psychologically safe and healthy, and how to implement measures to ensure this.
- Workplace Burnout Fact Sheet: Learn the signs of burnout and how to recognize it in the workplace, as well as ways to treat and prevent burnout.
- Suicide Prevention in the Workplace: This guide helps workplaces navigate difficult conversations around mental health and suicide by providing resources and support.
- Manager’s Guide to Suicide Postvention in the Workplace: This guide outlines 10 actions for dealing with the aftermath of a suicide in the workplace.